Sunday, 19 May 2019

The Barix Exstreamer 100

The Barix Exstreamer is a hardware audio stream player.

I bought a Barix Exstreamer second hand "as sold".

The unit has a neat feature that it speaks the IP address from the audio output (thus avoiding any challenges of finding the IP address out). Having found the IP address and got to a point where I could look at it (a spare broadband router was handy to get a 192.168.192.xx network), I pointed a browser at it hoping for a setup page. My guess is the unit had been set with a static IP address suiting the network it had been used on.

Sadly all I saw was a password screen:

It didn't seem to have any obvious default passwords and was probably protected for its former application.

Fortunately the Exstreamer 100 has a way of regaining control when you are presented with a problem like that, you can reflash the unit with stock firmware using serial.

One of my older computers has a "proper" serial port so I got hold of a crossed 9 pin serial cable (null modem) and the required firmware.

I used streaming_client_kit_vb230_20120921 and a Google should find you a set of similar software.

It is all available (after registration) from the Barix website but I found that the registration email turned up in my spam filter so sourced the firmware elsewhere.

What you need is in the folder called update_rescue so look there.

Assuming you have com port 1 as your serial port click on the serial1.bat file and is should start.

 You then connect the serial cable to the Exstreamer 100 and power the unit up.

Something similar to the above should be seen. Eventually (all being well) the replacement firmware should be on the Exstreamer.

It reboots, and once it picks up an address by DHCP, you should see the status page.

They have a "test"streaming service so my unit started to produce music.

Unit fixed !

There is a very handy Yahoo Group for the Barix Exstreamer which has old posts you might find helpful and a file collection which includes the required software.

2022 Update:

The Barix Yahoo Group (and Yahoo Groups in general) has gone.

Barix have an area on their website to get firmware etc.

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