Saturday, 20 December 2014

The Linx 7 Windows 8 Tablet

The Linx 7 Windows 8 tablet can be found (at the time of writing) for about £60 from laptopoutletdirect on eBay.

I couldn't quite see why I wanted one but gave in to the urge and bought it.

The seller was great. UK stock and in my hand in a few days.

It's a bit narrower (in portrait) then my Asus HD7 but is nice to use. There is no apparent laggyness for simple Windows tasks like surfing and e-mails.

I suspect games would be a bit more taxing for it.

It is no desktop replacement but I can see it will replace my Android tablet for travel.

You can use HDMI for bigger screens.

Battery life seems OK.

All in all, a good purchase it seems.

There is a website which seems to be the UK distributors, Exertis (UK) Limited.

This is generally helpful but I have one issue with the FAQs:

Q Can you add the tablets to a network?

A No, they do not support domain joining so you wouldn't be able to add to a network.

My beef with this is that from the perspective of an office/business network it is true, but for domestic use on a workgroup type network it plays fine. I had no problems finding network drives or printers. So, drag and drop material from any network share you like to and from the Linx 7 tablet.

Just in case their website goes AWLO, their support phone number is +44 (0)1282 858 893 and e-mail

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