Tuesday, 18 August 2009

Another streaming application for a phone - RadioBee

I had a bit of a look around the mobile phone application website "getjar.com" and came across a streaming application which worked on my SonyEricsson k530, RadioBee.

It has a free demo, which worked, and I've not found an application for "direct from the station streams" free for the SE k530 so I invested the $2 required (by PayPal) to buy the application.

Where I am, on Three, you get the odd glitch on a 64k stream but the lower bitrate MP3 streams I've tried seem fine.

If you are in the market, test the demo ( http://www.getjar.com/products/6073/RadioBee ) and if it works, it seems worth a bit over a pound as an addition to your phone.

If your phone is a Nokia S60, get their "Nokia internet radio" application for free and try that.

On my Nokia phone I had to hunt out an older version of the application as the latest one (which should work according to the Nokia website) doesn't.

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