Sunday, 28 October 2018

Installing Shoutcast DNAS on a Raspberry Pi

Well this was surprisingly painful (mostly because of my complete ineptness with Linux) and I made numerous "schoolboy errors" but because I've now had to do this twice and the second time seemed more painful that the first I'll write it down.

That way if I need to do it a third time perhaps it will be easier.

I already have Icecast running on the Raspberry Pi and that complicated matters slightly as that uses port 8000 by default.

That was a simple install as it is "available" in the repository for the Raspberry Pi.

I found most Shoutcast help focused on Windows or other forms of Linux.

Once I had found a source of DNAS 2.4.7 (In my case where I had previously kept a copy, as the more recent versions seem to require registration to download) and un-archived it to a suitable folder it was a question of what to do next.

To cut a long story short I needed to edit sc_serv_simple.conf

I needed to add PortBase=9000 (to shift the default server port from 8000 where it clashed with Icecast) and edit the stream and admin passwords to two different passwords. This was all done using nano and written out to the same file.

nano sc_serv_simple.conf

Finally run the server

./sc_serv sc_serv_simple.conf

and it worked.