Thursday, 5 November 2015

The AOC i-Menu software

I have two AOC monitors, both of which are really good.

The older one has front panel controls, the newer one does not. Instead you are supposed to use an application which you install and that controls the monitor settings.

In many respects a good idea but not if you don't have the software. Sadly I didn't have the driver CD for the monitor.

The AOC website has the monitor "driver" file which is really a settings file that Windows uses.

After a bit of support assistance I was directed to the glossary page on the AOC website.

This includes the key section:


Adjust your display settings with i-Menu software. Fine-tune luminosity, image setup, color temperature and more with a few simple clicks.

The "i-Menu software" is in blue and is a clickable link to a zip file download.

That contains the AOC i-Menu software as an exe installer. Click that and off you go.

The linked file can currently be found at:

Hope that helps someone.

Improved link: