Saturday, 6 March 2010

Making an MP3 file appear as podcast in iTunes

To make an MP3 file imported into iTunes appear as a Podcast as against music in the library a tag needs to be added to the MP3.

To make a file appear as a podcast first edit it using ID3-TagIT

Switch to "Shown TAG Ver. 2".

select your file and right click on it.

then "Tag Ver 2 functions" - "Edit Tag Ver 2"

and you will get a display with 7 tabs.

Putting information in the "Main Entries" for Lead Artist, Title & Album
will make this appear in iTunes but the tab needed to make a podcast is "User Defined Frames".

Put "PCST" in the text frame descriptor and "Podcast" then click "Add user text frame" then click "OK".

This will have added a tag which ITunes will recognise.

Now import into iTunes.

At this point when the file in in "music" do "Get Info" and "options" and tick "Remember playback position" and "OK".

Then, "Get Info", "Options", and change Media Kind: to "Podcast"

Then the file appears in iTunes in the "Podcasts" section.

To make your recording come up with a nice picture a small JPEG can be added to the file. Add through "Options" "Artwork" "Add" "OK".

(later addition)

You can skip the first bit by importing the file as a normal song and then setting the "media kind" to "podcast".